Freedom Statements
If Scripture Based Freedom Statements aren’t a one-way ticket to being your Sunday school teachers favorite student, I don’t know what is.
I'll be honest, reading truth out loud was less than exciting for me at first.
But you know what is exciting to me?
I really didn’t think reading scripture like this was necessary for me on a daily basis.
I knew biblical truth and I could paraphrase the MESS out of some verses.
And I thought that was enough.
I knew God's word was alive and powerful, but I didn't trust it to set me free.
And I thought the issues I kept facing couldn’t be fixed by just reading scripture!
The first time I started reading scripture out loud, it felt strange.
I felt like I was doing it because the spiritual police were checking on me.
But ya’ll, these statements are the weapons that work.
The weapons we fight with are not weapons of the world.
On the contrary, they have divine power
to demolish strongholds.
We demolish arguments and every pretension
that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and we take captive every thought
to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:4-5
By instilling the truth and writing it on our hearts, we start to believe it.
Memorizing scripture and saying it out loud is more than a good practice, it’s smart.
Over time, let me just tell you, things actually started changing for me. Sadly, I wasn't expecting that!
Unhealthy thought patterns were broken,
and I felt closer and closer to freedom.
The more I read and spoke truth I saw how quickly I get away from it when I don’t keep it close.
Reading this truth daily didn’t change my situations but it did change me.
And it was well worth being the strange lady on the interstate talking to herself in the car.
Side note: It makes me sad when we make each other feel like Junior Varsity Christians because we don’t experience God in the same way.
That’s not my intention with this post.
I simply wanted to share how I experience Him.
I'm not finished with this journey and I'm not nailing it everyday.
But I'm still holding on to these words daily with white knuckles and I know that's okay.
The statements I've put together are related to diet, exercise, and body image. If that's not where you struggle, make some of your own! If it doesn't work for you, I'll give you a full refund.
That's how much I believe in this. It's actually $free.99. Just click on the link below: